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How do you hold a golf ball?

GOLF offers the chance for people of all ages to get out on the course and improve wellbeing while enjoying what nature has to offer.

While the pros make the game seem so easy, the first step for any budding golfer is to get the simple things right to improve your approach.

For a left-handed golfer, the lead in their grip is the right hand.

What is the correct way to hold a golf club?

While the sport of golf is made to look so simple by those who play for a living, for a novice, learning the basics can become a very frustrating pastime.

How you hold the club is one of the most basic aspects of the sport that can transform your game.

The first thing to consider before approaching the course or driving range is your dominant hand and whether you play the game right or left-handed.

Your lead hand is the opposite to your swing style, so for a right-handed golfer, your left-hand is your lead.

This needs to go at the top of the grip, with your right-hand underneath it.

It is important to note that if you have a left-handed swing, the instructions are quite the opposite (right-hand lead).

Many golfers make the mistake of trying to put their strongest hand at the top, controlling the swing, but this can actually lead to injury.

Comfort is key when it comes to holding the club, so whether you interlock your fingers on the shaft or simply tuck your hands against one another, is entirely up to you.

To see which works best for you, hold the club above your head (like a baseball bat) and see which method feels most comfortable.

When getting to grips with the club, try to ensure that the palm of your dominant hand is facing you.

The club grip should rest in the fold where your knuckles and palm meet.

One thing worth considering when approaching your grip of the club is that the base of your fingers offer more control of your swing than your palm, think of this as you grip the shaft.

Whether your hands overlap, interlock or take the form of the baseball bat grip is all down to your own comfort.

Do not try to hold the club too tight as this will severely restrict your swing, remember, soft hands.

Feeling relaxed in your swing will improve your shots no end, try to force your shot increases the margin for error.

It is also important to try and not get frustrated with your game, remember, even the pros get it wrong from time to time.

Whether you are playing a drive or normal club shot, these simple rules are key for both.

When it comes to putting, it is all about feeling the balance of the club in your hands, so that you can judge the power and pace you strike the ball with.

Keep one thing in mind when it comes to taking any golf shot, comfort is key and to play your strokes with soft hands.

This refers to how tightly you hold the grip of the club.

How do you swing correctly in golf?

Another key aspect of your approach that will make or break your game is your swing.

Stand upright with the club at waist-height, with the grip pointing to where a belt buckle would be.

Tilt forward towards the ball, keep your back/spine in a neutral position, try not to hunch yourself towards the ball as this will restrict your swing.

When the club is just above the ground, slightly bend your knees.

As you lift the club towards head height, keep your eyes focussed on the ball.

When your swing comes through and you strike the ball, your eyes should still be focussed on where the ball was after you’ve struck it.

It is easy to fall into the trap of immediately looking up to see where your shot has gone, but doing this even a millisecond too soon can ruin your shot.

For players looking to hone their game, always stay focussed on where the ball lays, even once the ball has been struck.

Relax in your swing, remember comfort is key.

Your swing should be smooth, allowing the body to naturally rotate in the swing.

Practice your swing with no ball there, trying to clip the grass as your club comes through.

Keep doing this until the whole motion of the movement feels most natural.

As with anything, the only way to improve is practice, practice, practice.

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