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Elizabeth Chappell is Kevin's wife. Where did they meet? How many children are they having?

Kevin Chappell, a US golfing star, is hoping to shine at the Masters and win his first Major title

Elizabeth, the wife of the 32-year old, is there to support him. Here's everything you need to know.

Elizabeth and Kevin Chappell met at a friend’s wedding.

Who is Elizabeth Chappell

Chappell graduated from university and became a personal coach.

She is a Seahawks and 49s fan, and she can often be seen laughing at Kevin when they meet.

They have two children together

How did they meet?

Kevin and Elizabeth were set-up by college friends, despite being at universities over 1200 miles apart.

Although their roommates believed they were the perfect match, it wasn't until Craig and Andrea Leslie got married that the couple met.

The couple met at the wedding in 2011. After Elizabeth graduated, Kevin flew to Seattle to take Elizabeth on a date during a week of tournaments.

Elizabeth was just buying her first house and was determined to remain independent. She even asked Kevin about his "real job".

After a year of being together, she moved to Arizona with Kevin to join him on the tour.

Kevin proposed to his wife at CordeValle Golf Club in October 2012. They were married 11 months later.

Both Wyatt Collins and Collins attended the August Par-3 competition.

What number of children does each parent have?

They have two children together since they were married.

Wyatt, the oldest son, is now three years old. Collins was born in January 2017.

Elizabeth and her children joined Kevin at 2018 Masters Par-3 Contest.