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After he won the PS6m PGA Tour prize, Tiger Woods trolls Phil Mickelson

TIGER WOODS made fun of Phil Mickelson's narrow win to receive a PS6million bonus for his participation in the PGA Player Impact Program.

Despite not having played in any official tournaments this year, the 46-year old superstar won the popularity prize.

Woods won the PS6m popularity award for creating fan engagement

Mickelson, 51 years old, led the race for the PIP in November after becoming the oldest golf Major champion.

He thought he would win the bonus, but he was not quick enough to celebrate when the PGA Tour gave it to Woods.

Tiger wrote "whoops" with two shrugging emoticons as he retweeted Mickelson, congratulating himself on his accomplishments and thanking his followers.

Californian left-handed man had stated: "I'd love to thank all of the crazies and real supporters too for... helping me win..."

"To get the second half of the money, I must add an event that I haven’t played in a while. We'll see you in Kapalua.

"PS. "PS.

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The PGA Lead Non-Playing Event, the PIP, rewards the player with the highest fan engagement.

Woods and his son took part in the PNC Championships in Florida just before Christmas. They wore the famous "Sunday Red" together.

In 2021, the horror car crash that claimed the life of a golf legend left his right leg broken.

Mickelson was thought to have been the winner of his comeback outing, according to the PIP standings prior the Dec 31 cut-off.

The American was also denied sponsorship support as he was dropped by sponsors KPMG, Amstel Light for making 'offensive remarks about Saudi Arabia's breakaway tours'.

Mickelson tweeted his appreciation for the award prematurely and was mocked Tiger